Thursday, April 28, 2011


there's no place like it. it's somewhere you leave but alway return. a place you strive to get closer to. it's a one bedroom apartment, in a dark, damp basement. or a place full of memories that go back farther than you can remember. a home is a house full of love. it's not a chair or a lamp. it's the people that fill it with happiness and sadness, laughter and tears, quiet moments and obsessive cursing. it's hidden at the end of a long road, peeking out from behind a huge maple tree. it's a door at the end of a hallway. it's somewhere you're always welcomed by a mat on the doorstep, a jubilent dog (or in my case lazy...), a warm hug, your love waiting silently for you. home is wherever i'm with you...

<3 mr. brack

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